MOVIE REVIEW – The Grey by Doug Young

Posted on 16 February 2012



Starring Liam Neeson, Dermont Mulroney, Diaz Frank Grillo; directed by Joe Carnahan


This movie depicts the behavior of a certain dominant animal species. Most of the traits depicted are familiar, while others are exhibited under extreme environmental conditions (the harsh cold and snow of Alaska) following the crash of a plane that was making its way from an oil field on the North Slope of Alaska. Here is a sampling of what we see of this species in this environment:

It hunts other species for food and territory
It fights each other for dominance and control
**It lives in a social group
**It struggles to survive in a harsh, hostile environment
**It seems amazingly insulated from the frigid Alaskan temperatures
**It takes care of others in its group
**It is at the top of the food chain
**Each individual has its own personality and rank in the social structure
**It lives in shelters and comes to search for food and survival
**Sometimes the needs of the individual conflicts or creates friction with the group
**Individuals sometime howl at the threats and mysteries in their surroundings
**Males of the species frequently engage in battles to establish dominance and flex their
**It bands together to stave off threats to individuals and the group
**It uses innovative techniques to secure food and protect against threats
**It chases down food when hungry
**It recoils in fear and intimidation
**It fights or flees when confronted with a challenge


And in this film, this species is called… man. Surprised? If you were thinking that this film is about wolves, you’d be wrong. That’s because the species in this film is seen exhibiting the following traits:


**Solitary individuals attack by running out of trees to a group of members of
another species, which are busily working together and oblivious to the oncoming attack
**They continue to attack and threaten other species even when this other species is not
threatening to them
**They appear out of nowhere from the middle of nowhere
**A solitary individual uncharacteristically attacks another species around a campfire occupied by four other individuals
**They seek revenge on those who kill one of their kind
**They are seen scavenging and eating the dead of other species instead of hunting
**Their numbers seem to magically expand and grow on the landscape
**They pick off a group of another species one-by-one and leave them dead on the
snow instead of consuming them for food
**They always seem to be at the right place and the right time to menace other creatures


After many years of study, only one species behaves in this way. And that species is… man. Surprised again? Maybe that’s because the wolves in this film are so far removed from the actual species that they appear to be humans dressed as wolves. Oh yeah, that’s in fact one of the special effects that were used — men in wolf costumes. That and the film clearly stands for the proposition that when men are removed from civilized environments, they behave like wild animals and should fear themselves more than nature. The horror,
dear viewers, is in ourselves, not in the wolves. Howling, indeed!



“Filmoholic” Critic Man, aka Doug Young, has been rehabbing at The Colorado Statesman for the last decade or so. A senior environmental policy advisor to Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, his reviews canbe found regularly on Pop Geek Heaven.

One Response to “MOVIE REVIEW – The Grey by Doug Young”

  1. Mike Baron says:

    A superb existential thriller.