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Nick Gilder – (She’s) One of the Boys

Posted on 23 May 2013

8 Responses to “Nick Gilder – (She’s) One of the Boys”

  1. jeff heise says:

    I remember this album from when I was a kid. Hot child in the city was big at the middle school dances. I like the Sweeney Todd song better.

  2. dudeman says:

    I think the first three GIlder solo albums are some of THE best power pop…EVER.

    I bought the first one in late ’77 and been playing them ever since….I got the two Sweeney Todd albums sometimes in the 80s, finally and, while good, I just don’t play ’em that often…

  3. jeff heise says:

    Alright, dudeman. Although I remember it with a smile on my face. I will go back and listen to some old Nick Gilder. I’m just not a fan of the real high male vocal. Just like some rockers are not real fans of Geddy Lee’s vocals. In the late 70’s I was into Cheap Trick, The Records, The Knack, Joe Jackson, The Buzzcocks, the Jam, Shoes, and all the early British invation groups. I still think that Sweeney Todd sounds like T- Rex. So I like that.

  4. dudeman says:

    I”m a massive fan of his first three but, and other will disagree I”m sure, I recommend starting with this 3rd album, “Frequency”.

    Keep in mind, too, that during this time, I was massive fan of obscure early/mid 70s hard rock, prog rock and was weened on Bolan, Iggy and the NY Dolls from about ’72 onward. (I’m 50 yrs old) The high-pitch voice just never bothered me – it was and still is, only about hooks ‘n melody.

  5. jeff heise says:

    Thanks, dudeman. I appreciate the input. I will go back , and listen to “Frequency”. I agree it’s all about the hooks, and melody. I to love T-Rex, The Stooges, NY Dolls, and don’t forget Sweet. (I’m 48) Hope to here from you again.

  6. dudeman says:

    Here’s how big of a SWEET fan I am, Jeff. After finishing up the JELLYFISH box set that my label released in 2002, I shifted into gear to a proper SWEET box set geared only to the hardcore fans(there still has not been one done). Worked on it for a few months, started locating tracks for the rights, photos to license, hired a writer for the liners and the project was killed by EMI, who decided they would do the project themselves and not license to 3rd parties.

    They never did the project. :0(

  7. jeff heise says:

    dudeman, That project sounds like it was going to be well…sweet. I wish I were doin’ more of the same kinda thigs you do. Life sometimes just takes on a will of it’s own. I do know you’re old lable Not Lame. I use to order things from you all the time. I even still have a couple of your old paper catalogs. I got The Scruffs, The Mockers, The Rooks, The Shazam, Cotton Mather, and Myracle Brah just to name a few. All great. Anyway, keep up the good work.

  8. dudeman says:

    Thanks, Jeff. It was a solid, good run with the label and mail order company for 17 yrs..