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MIMI BETINIS (Pezband/Off Broadway) – SUPRISE BOX 16

Posted on 21 December 2011

What a joy to have one of my all-time faves offer us all a brand-new Christmas song – MIMI BETINIS of Pezband and Off Broadway.

Listen to [download id=”97″]


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From Mimi:
This is a simple heart felt warm little number which I feel imparts the sentiments , imagery and feel of the season. I wrote it on a 1947 Lester piano which was given to me by  my inspiring High School art teacher Jim Stone. He is gone now but I still have the piano and many songs  which have been written on it.
Many who have heard “A Christmas Song” say it harkens back to a not so distant Beatlesque sound and rightly so I obtained the piano in 1967 at the height of the era.
Check out Mimi’s web site – HERE

2 Responses to “MIMI BETINIS (Pezband/Off Broadway) – SUPRISE BOX 16”

  1. Howie says:

    Very nice,and thank you.

  2. Robert Cobb says:

    Very nice!